Workshops with Parnab Mukherjee and Khosro Adibi

Workshops with Parnab Mukherjee and Khosro Adibi
This year we have invited two world renowned performers Parnab Mukherjee and Khosro Adibi to conduct 2 separate 2 day workshops targeted towards talented students from across Europe.The workshops intend to stimulate a more integrated process of creation for the artist/performer. His aim is to encourage the performer to develop a greater awareness of the external 'theatrical' space without losing his/her connection and trust in the internal physical exploration.

martes, 20 de octubre de 2009


Improvisation and Composition

- Workshops With Khosro Adibi –

Open to participants coming from various disciplines of the arts

Khosro Adibi
 is an internationally renowned artist teaching, performing and exhibiting throughout Europe and Latin America

Saturday, 24. October and Sunday, 25. October 2009

Københavns Universitet Amager

For reservations/enquiries contact: Deadline for registration – 22. October 2009
Still free places!!!! (Last Update 20. October 2009)

About Khosro Adibi:

He is a multidisciplinary artist currently working as a teacher, performer, director, video/ photographer, visual artist and light/stage designer in different projects, theatre and dance theatre productions.

Khosro Adibi is facilitating workshops/ laboratories with an interest in using his knowledge to stimulate a more integrated process of creation for the artist/performer. His aim is to encourage the performer to develop a greater awareness of the external 'theatrical' space without losing his/her connection and trust in the internal physical exploration.

About the Workshops:

• FLOOR WORK: Working to/from the center

Our focus will be to explore the movements incited from the center outward into the space, and conversely those outward movements penetrating toward the center. We will seek to relax the muscles and make space in the joints while we are moving, let the weight pour into the floor guided by gravity.

Floor is one of the most important elements in relation to our movements. We will use the floor to discover different pathways through the body, and through the space. Spirals, momentum in the movement, use of bone structure, releasing the body and natural flow of movement through the body and space are our attention points.

• Improvisation and Composition - Working in an urban Location

Khosro will use his experience in different fields to stimulate sensory awareness in relation to internal/physical and external/theatrical aspects of creating a performance. We will build our sensitivity towards movement and compositional choices.

Stimulating sensory awareness, taking time for being, seeing, and experimenting. Seeing things that we normally pass by and don’t pay attention to. We will work with pedestrian movements, gestures, and body language, placing and replacing the body in an existent environment; framing and composing the images as stills taken – out of daily life.

Through exercises we will explore our movements. The result coming across will be material available to – use and – relate to a location. This place could be for instance a corridor, a place in a building etc.

Our physical activity “in door” serves for what we are going to do “out door” in relation to the public. The discussions we have and the theoretical information that we communicate is an important part of our work. By understanding why we have the desire to share with the public and how, we can find out what we need to do and which strategy we need to take to reach the public.

In the first day we are going to create some set material in the studio. Our focus is to develop movement material from every day gestures and behaviors. Later on we will find a location out door which attracts our attention or offers us possibilities to work in. We will present the work to the group and finish the day with discussions and feedback. How to use performance in order to activate the community?

The second day during post morning training, we are going to work directly in the location and develop the work, considering the feedback of the group. Later on we will present the work to the public and finish the day with the discussion.

Prices: Special Low Price for Students

(Students/Other) prices in DKK:

Morning Session - floor work/technique class 9-10:30: 50 / 70

1 Day Full Workshop – 9.30- 18.00: 250 / 300

2 Days Full Workshop - 9:30- 18.00: 400 / 500

Deadline for registration – 22. October 2009


First day (24th):

9:00-10.30 am: Floor work – technique class (open to anyone interested in movement training)

10.45-13:00: Improvisation and Composition to create Performance material.

14:00- 16:00: Working in a location: the city or close to the studio.

16:00-18:00: Discussion. (Seating and exchange the experiences we had in relation to the main themes of the congress/ plan for the next day)

Second day (25th):

9:00-10.30 am: Floor work

10:45-12:30: Working in a location: the city or close to the studio.

13:00- 14:00: Presentation/ Performances – informal showing and feedback

14:00-16:00: Discussion.

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